Article Critique
Article Critique
Assignment: (Verbal) Paper Discussion – scientific article critique
– 10 minutes in length
– Topic: will be provided soon (scientific article on topic of chronic illness)
or you can choose your own article of interest (peer-reviewed, design paper, with intervention and results and discussion)
– Objective: critique the article, author’s writing, methods, study designs, objectively & subjectively summarizing results of article, what analysis approach(es) used?, specific intervention delivered?, and tons more
*****Teacher is not a tough grader, he just wants us be able to understand how to effectively critique an article and give our own opinions****
1. Summarize the paper, major points, talk about the sample(s), purpose, results, discussion, opinion
2. Critique
– of significance (i.e. is this important? based on literature. etc.)
– *do a literature search to see if this study can fill the gap in literature
– present problem, then gap in literature, with your opinion (lack of study? lack of effective intervention study? lack of associations?)
– highlight need t do intervention studies
– make judgement on significance of paper
3. Approach (Design issues, Methods, Analysis)
– random sampling strategy? Randomized Control Trial? etc
– ethical isues?
– approval info? concerns?
– commitment on their intervention strategies? (highlight theories!)
– and measurement strategies
– validity of assessment?
4. Outcome Assessment
– for example, is BMI a good measure for this?
– highlight limiations
– is it a continuous measurement?
5. Critique Procedure
– why are some groups excluded? does it impact validity/representation?
– is it Randomized? not? why/how? or why not?
6. Critique Analysis Approach
– sampling
– intervention strategies
– theories applied
– retention/attrition
– impact of severity
-Is it an optimal design?
-Get examples from papers on Discussion section
-How do they interpret results in the paper? enough or not?
-Is it consistent or inconsistent results? why inconsistent?
-Talk about additional theories needed
-Limitations on design? on sample? on approach?
-Alternate feasible strategy?
-Confounding? ( how it misinterprets or can misinterpret results. -ANALYZE!)
-Did the author comprehensively discuss limitations?
-Future directions?
-Public health implications?
Article Critique
Assignment: (Verbal) Paper Discussion – scientific article critique
– 10 minutes in length
– Topic: will be provided soon (scientific article on topic of chronic illness)
or you can choose your own article of interest (peer-reviewed, design paper, with intervention and results and discussion)
– Objective: critique the article, author’s writing, methods, study designs, objectively & subjectively summarizing results of article, what analysis approach(es) used?, specific intervention delivered?, and tons more
*****Teacher is not a tough grader, he just wants us be able to understand how to effectively critique an article and give our own opinions****
1. Summarize the paper, major points, talk about the sample(s), purpose, results, discussion, opinion
2. Critique
– of significance (i.e. is this important? based on literature. etc.)
– *do a literature search to see if this study can fill the gap in literature
– present problem, then gap in literature, with your opinion (lack of study? lack of effective intervention study? lack of associations?)
– highlight need t do intervention studies
– make judgement on significance of paper
3. Approach (Design issues, Methods, Analysis)
– random sampling strategy? Randomized Control Trial? etc
– ethical isues?
– approval info? concerns?
– commitment on their intervention strategies? (highlight theories!)
– and measurement strategies
– validity of assessment?
4. Outcome Assessment
– for example, is BMI a good measure for this?
– highlight limiations
– is it a continuous measurement?
5. Critique Procedure
– why are some groups excluded? does it impact validity/representation?
– is it Randomized? not? why/how? or why not?
6. Critique Analysis Approach
– sampling
– intervention strategies
– theories applied
– retention/attrition
– impact of severity
-Is it an optimal design?
-Get examples from papers on Discussion section
-How do they interpret results in the paper? enough or not?
-Is it consistent or inconsistent results? why inconsistent?
-Talk about additional theories needed
-Limitations on design? on sample? on approach?
-Alternate feasible strategy?
-Confounding? ( how it misinterprets or can misinterpret results. -ANALYZE!)
-Did the author comprehensively discuss limitations?
-Future directions?
-Public health implications?